Friday, July 11, 2014

Holy $*!& Eye Lashes!!!!

Yeah, I said that! There is no other way to describe what Younique 3D Lash Mascara does for you. I love make up, a lot. And I cycle through it like crazy. Rarely does something do what it says, especially mascara. Like those little fancy brushes actually extend your lashes or give you the "falsie look" without the glue and lashes? Yeah right.

So when one of my SB mommy friends started selling Younique make up, I rolled my eyes a little and thought "Oh geez, another direct sales cosmetic company". And then the pictures came. One after another of these AMAZING eye lashes. The kind my daughter has without mascara, the kind a woman dreams of! But again, would this actually work or was I wasting $40 on a bottle of black goop that works exactly the same as the $7 black goop I already had? And.... wow.


The first is without any mascara, freshly cleaned so no leftovers either.

This is my mascara, using "Falsies" blackest black.

And then BAM! This is ONE coat of Younique 3D mascara.

In conclusion: I don't think I will ever be able to live without this mascara again. The pictures speak volumes so I don't even have to say why. I like products that do what they promise and I am willing to pay the extra money to get them. With shipping, it's around $39 but one tube lasted me a little over three months so it was worth it. Here's my Lavish Lash Link <3

As far as my no heat summer hair challenge, it's not going so hot (full pun totally intended). Oh my gosh I am horrible at it! I tried for about a week and decided I could not live without my blow dryer. But I did cut out the straightener and have only used it three times since the beginning of June. I'm still using cedarwood oil and rosemary religiously as well and I am in love *still*. I'd take some pictures, but it's a little unfair at the moment with my pretty peacock hair in there ;) Monthly photos will resume at the start of August when I go back to teacher hair!

Go out and sparkle*+*+*+*+*

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Looking for Change?

Are you looking for change in your life? Or maybe just your hair! Micro-Loop extensions are the way to go if you want to add a pop of color without the commitment of bleach and wild hues.

The way micro loop extensions work is that an extension is paired with a  thin piece of your hair and held together with a bead. These cause virtually no damage to your hair, unlike adhesives which can cause breakage high up on your hair shaft. They can be worn for as long as 6-8 weeks (more if you take good care of them!) and the best part is that they are reusable. Once your hair grows out, your hairdresser can simply squeeze the beads in the opposite direction, move the extension closer to the scalp, and re-squeeze!

Here are my new loop extensions. Being a teacher, I have to look professional for my job (who's idea was that to decide purple wasn't professional?!) but in the summer I like to get my crazy out. As you know from the rest of my blog, I am working very hard on growing my hair out long and healthy, so I did not want to bleach large chunks of my hair to dye and then have to work my way back to brown. All that damage isn't work a few months of fun color. So I decided on my first set of loop extensions and I am SO happy! They're made of real hair so they can be styled right along with the rest of your hair. They're light weight as well, so I don't feel like they are pulling down on my own hair.

They come in packs of all one length, so you will have to have them cut. I recommend having a professional put these extensions in, because they will need to be blended with your own hair to give them the natural look.So while I am still working on growing my own hair, these give me a little oomph to keep me satisfied :)

*see my previous blog post for hair progress pictures using Young Living Cedarwood and Rosemary Essential oil then go buy some here>>>>>*
Have a Happy Hair day!!

Monday, March 3, 2014

Growing Hair When Hair Just Won't Grow

You know that moment when you want to smack your friend because she had a cute little sling bob four months ago and now her hair is down to her shoulders? Yeah, me too. My hair grows SO slow. As in, I've had my current license picture for almost four years now and up until about six months ago, the only thing that changed was the color. I decided that if I really wanted to grow my hair out, I had to be super serious. I ditched the bleach blonde (that alone SHOULD have worked, but didn't by itself!?) and took up a strict regimen with my hair care routine. Here's the strategies I used. Check out my results afterward :)

1. I dyed my hair a dark brown. For years, I had been bleaching my blonde hair even blonder. It's bad, period. Color actually deposits onto your hair shaft rather than drawing out, so hair color alone helped me get on track to long hair.

2. I started using Nioxin System 3 for chemically treated hair. This is a miracle worker in itself. After my pregnancy (check out my little butterfly here: my stress levels went up and my hair fell out. Like, clumps, gobs, and handfuls. Eew. After starting Nioxin, I could see the difference in about two months. I had all these tiny little hairs sticking up from my scalp. My awesome hair dresser informed me that yes, they were indeed NEW HAIR! Woo hoo!! But with Nioxin, it's important to be consistent and use the whole system. Otherwise you're just wasting your money on a minty scent.

3. I vowed to only use one kind of heat every day, and to avoid heat if I could. I already wash my hair every other day to try and grow it, but I was blow drying and then straightening after. Invest in some heat protection spray that can be used with your dryer AND your heat tools. I love Silk Olive heat spray for super cheap at Sally Beauty.

4. Within the last two months, I have added Young Living Essential Oil Cedarwood to my hair process and I can already tell the difference. Just look at the pictures... All that growth (an inch or more!) after just adding cedarwood. That stuff is crazy good! Yeah, it's smelly, but who the heck cares when you see THESE results?! Here's my sign up link if you're interested in purchasing this or any essential oil: 

I will be working on my No Heat Challenge starting in June (when I don't have to look presentable over summer break LOL) so I look forward to posting the next set of pictures after that!!

Friday, January 3, 2014

Necklace Addiction!! How to Wear a Statement Piece

I cannot say enough about my favorite trend right now: STATEMENT JEWELRY!!! Oh my goodness, it's the best thing that's happened to fashion since the last time statement necklaces happened to fashion! Since I am a jewelry lover and sell lia sophia, of course I am going to show you FABULOUS lia sophia statement pieces.

So you think that statement necklaces aren't for you? Then stop reading my blog. Just kidding, but in all seriousness, every girl can wear a statement necklace if it's the right one. Statement necklaces don't have to be crazy big or crazy colorful. In face, pearls make great statement pieces too, all while conveying what a classy chick you are. Check out this pearl statement necklace:
Uptown Necklace 
Of course, those of us who are into our bigger is better type necklaces know that we need a bit more to satisfy our necklines. Here is a gorgeous navy blue statement necklace:
Keku by Jennifer Necklace
And then there are those like me, the wild child with the need for COLOR!!!! These colored statement necklaces are probably my favorite in this fashion statement. I love the bright colors and the fact that these types of necklaces can add some serious change to any old outfit. Take a look at this flowered piece that uses a combination of beads, rhinestones, and gems to make your neckline hotter than hot:
Full Bloom Necklace
So you'd like to try a statement necklace but you're nervous? That's okay, because it's perfectly acceptable to start out small and work your way up. There are necklaces that still provide you with the look without making you take the full plunge just yet. This necklace has the big look in a smaller package:
Botanica Necklace  

 I will leave you with the one suggestion that there CAN be too much. When you choose to wear a statement necklace, let the earrings go. If you must wear them, go for simple studs that won't draw attention to your ears. Otherwise your look of glamor is going to turn into the "crazy lady Mr T." look.

Go forth into the world and be stunning <3