Friday, July 11, 2014

Holy $*!& Eye Lashes!!!!

Yeah, I said that! There is no other way to describe what Younique 3D Lash Mascara does for you. I love make up, a lot. And I cycle through it like crazy. Rarely does something do what it says, especially mascara. Like those little fancy brushes actually extend your lashes or give you the "falsie look" without the glue and lashes? Yeah right.

So when one of my SB mommy friends started selling Younique make up, I rolled my eyes a little and thought "Oh geez, another direct sales cosmetic company". And then the pictures came. One after another of these AMAZING eye lashes. The kind my daughter has without mascara, the kind a woman dreams of! But again, would this actually work or was I wasting $40 on a bottle of black goop that works exactly the same as the $7 black goop I already had? And.... wow.


The first is without any mascara, freshly cleaned so no leftovers either.

This is my mascara, using "Falsies" blackest black.

And then BAM! This is ONE coat of Younique 3D mascara.

In conclusion: I don't think I will ever be able to live without this mascara again. The pictures speak volumes so I don't even have to say why. I like products that do what they promise and I am willing to pay the extra money to get them. With shipping, it's around $39 but one tube lasted me a little over three months so it was worth it. Here's my Lavish Lash Link <3

As far as my no heat summer hair challenge, it's not going so hot (full pun totally intended). Oh my gosh I am horrible at it! I tried for about a week and decided I could not live without my blow dryer. But I did cut out the straightener and have only used it three times since the beginning of June. I'm still using cedarwood oil and rosemary religiously as well and I am in love *still*. I'd take some pictures, but it's a little unfair at the moment with my pretty peacock hair in there ;) Monthly photos will resume at the start of August when I go back to teacher hair!

Go out and sparkle*+*+*+*+*

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